Fundraising Application

Application for Participation in the Good Will Fundraising Program
*all fields required for submission


Name of Organization:
Zip Code:
Contact Person:
Organization's Primary Activity:
Purpose of Fund Raising Activity:
Dates of Activity:
Booklets Requested:


Terms of Participation
Participating groups must be engaged in providing activities for youths within the communities served by Crest Advanced Dry Cleaning. There must be a specific purpose for the funds being raised under the program. Groups will not sell the coupon booklets for less than $25 per booklet and will not sell the books in front of any Crest Advanced location. Booklets will contain an expiration date and groups will agree to extend their best effort to sell all booklets donated within a reasonable period of time following the receipt of them. Booklets cannot be accumulated for future use. Booklets may not be given away or sold at a reduced price to any individual or organization. Any group violating these terms must return any remaining booklets and will be prohibited from future participation in the program. Crest Advanced reserves the right to deny any organization from participation in the program and the right to change the terms of participation.